
2018/11/21 Java Java多线程


CyclicBarrier基于ReentrantLock + Condition 条件队列 实现。

  1. ReentrantLock的作用是在await()中更新count,既剩余需要等待的线程数。

  2. Condition trip为等待条件队列,线程将调用trip.await()在该条件队列中等待。

  3. 当breakBarrier或者nextGeneration时,将重置计数count,并调用trip.signalAll()唤醒所有线程。


CyclicBarrier(int parties)
//创建一个新的 CyclicBarrier,它将在给定数量的参与者(线程)处于等待状态时启动,但它不会在启动 barrier 时执行预定义的操作。
CyclicBarrier(int parties, Runnable barrierAction)
//创建一个新的 CyclicBarrier,它将在给定数量的参与者(线程)处于等待状态时启动,并在启动 barrier 时执行给定的屏障操作,该操作由最后一个进入 barrier 的线程执行。

int await()
//在所有参与者都已经在此 barrier 上调用 await 方法之前,将一直等待。
int await(long timeout, TimeUnit unit)
//在所有参与者都已经在此屏障上调用 await 方法之前将一直等待,或者超出了指定的等待时间。
int getNumberWaiting()
int getParties()
//返回要求启动此 barrier 的参与者数目。
boolean isBroken()
void reset()


public class Test {

    public static class Worker implements Runnable{

        public Worker(CyclicBarrier barrier, int num){
            this.cyclicBarrier = barrier;
            this.number = num;

        CyclicBarrier cyclicBarrier;
        int number;

        public void run() {
            for(int i = 0;i < 3; ++i){
                    System.out.println("Thread number " + number + " round " + i + " start");
                    Thread.currentThread().sleep(100 * i * number);
                    System.out.println("Thread number " + number + " round " + i + " end");

                } catch(Exception e){
                    System.out.println("barrier broke");


    public static void main(String[] args){
        CyclicBarrier cyclicBarrier = new CyclicBarrier(3,() -> {
            System.out.println("Barrier finish one round");

        ExecutorService executorService = Executors.newFixedThreadPool(5);
        executorService.submit(new Worker(cyclicBarrier,1));
        executorService.submit(new Worker(cyclicBarrier,2));
        executorService.submit(new Worker(cyclicBarrier,3));





Thread number 1 round 0 start
Thread number 2 round 0 start
Thread number 3 round 0 start
Thread number 1 round 0 end
Thread number 2 round 0 end
Thread number 3 round 0 end
Barrier finish one round
Thread number 3 round 1 start
Thread number 1 round 1 start
Thread number 2 round 1 start
Thread number 1 round 1 end
Thread number 2 round 1 end
Thread number 3 round 1 end
Barrier finish one round
Thread number 3 round 2 start
Thread number 1 round 2 start
Thread number 2 round 2 start
Thread number 1 round 2 end
Thread number 2 round 2 end
Thread number 3 round 2 end
Barrier finish one round




  1. 构造函数
    public CyclicBarrier(int parties, Runnable barrierAction) {
     if (parties <= 0) throw new IllegalArgumentException();
     // parties表示“必须同时到达barrier的线程个数”。
     this.parties = parties;
     // count表示“处在等待状态的线程个数”。
     this.count = parties;
     // barrierCommand表示“parties个线程到达barrier时,会执行的动作”。
     this.barrierCommand = barrierAction;
  2. 等待函数 ```java public int await() throws InterruptedException, BrokenBarrierException { try { return dowait(false, 0L); } catch (TimeoutException toe) { throw new Error(toe); // cannot happen; } }

private int dowait(boolean timed, long nanos) throws InterruptedException, BrokenBarrierException, TimeoutException { final ReentrantLock lock = this.lock; // 获取“独占锁(lock)” lock.lock(); try { // 保存“当前的generation” final Generation g = generation;

    // 若“当前generation已损坏”,则抛出异常。
    if (g.broken)
        throw new BrokenBarrierException();

    // 如果当前线程被中断,则通过breakBarrier()终止CyclicBarrier,唤醒CyclicBarrier中所有等待线程。
    if (Thread.interrupted()) {
        throw new InterruptedException();

   // 将“count计数器”-1
   int index = --count;
   // 如果index=0,则意味着“有parties个线程到达barrier”。
   if (index == 0) {  // tripped
       boolean ranAction = false;
       try {
           // 如果barrierCommand不为null,则执行该动作。
           final Runnable command = barrierCommand;
           if (command != null)
           ranAction = true;
           // 唤醒所有等待线程,并更新generation。
           return 0;
       } finally {
           if (!ranAction)

    // 当前线程一直阻塞,直到“有parties个线程到达barrier” 或 “当前线程被中断” 或 “超时”这3者之一发生,
    // 当前线程才继续执行。
    for (;;) {
        try {
            // 如果不是“超时等待”,则调用await()进行等待;否则,调用awaitNanos()进行等待。
            if (!timed)
            else if (nanos > 0L)
                nanos = trip.awaitNanos(nanos);
        } catch (InterruptedException ie) {
            // 如果等待过程中,线程被中断,则执行下面的函数。
            if (g == generation && ! g.broken) {
                throw ie;
            } else {

        // 如果“当前generation已经损坏”,则抛出异常。
        if (g.broken)
            throw new BrokenBarrierException();

        // 如果“generation已经换代”,则返回index。
        if (g != generation)
            return index;

        // 如果是“超时等待”,并且时间已到,则通过breakBarrier()终止CyclicBarrier,唤醒CyclicBarrier中所有等待线程。
        if (timed && nanos <= 0L) {
            throw new TimeoutException();
} finally {
    // 释放“独占锁(lock)”
} } ``` 1. ReentrantLock的作用是在await中更新count,既剩余需要等待的线程数。 2. Condition trip为等待条件队列,线程将在该条件队列中等待被唤醒。 3. 当breakBarrier或者nextGeneration时,将重置计数count,并唤醒所有线程。 ```java /**  * Sets current barrier generation as broken and wakes up everyone.  * Called only while holding lock.  */ private void breakBarrier() {
generation.broken = true;
count = parties;
trip.signalAll(); }


  • Updates state on barrier trip and wakes up everyone.
  • Called only while holding lock. */ private void nextGeneration() { // signal completion of last generation trip.signalAll(); // set up next generation count = parties; generation = new Generation(); } ```
    1. generation为CyclicBarrier的一个成员变量,同一批的线程属于同一generation,当有parties个线程到达barrier,generation就会被更新换代。线程调用await中会检查generation是否已被更新(换代)或者被标记broken。 ```java private Generation generation = new Generation();

private static class Generation { boolean broken = false; }

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